🆕 How to add AI B-Roll?

[New editor]

Our AI automatically adds contextually relevant B-Roll to your clips.

To add AI B-Roll:

1. Go to the timeline and locate “Generate AI B-Roll”

2. Select what type of B-Roll you want

3. Toggle it on, and our Al will automatically add Al B-Roll to your video

[Old editor]

1. Go to the “Design” tab and locate “Generate B-Roll”

2. Choose “With Al” from the dropdown

3. Toggle it on and our Al will automatically add Al generated B-Roll to your video

Can I edit generated B-Roll?

Currently, you have the ability to drag and reframe the B-Roll.

You are also able to move B-Roll on the timeline by clicking-and-holding it and moving it wherever you please on the timeline. Furthermore, you can also extend or trim B-Roll.

Please note: For Stock B-Roll, you are not able to extend it past the original stock footage (as one would expect)

Can I regenerate AI B-Roll?


Once you have generated the AI B-Roll for the first time, simply click on the specific B-Roll you wish to change, and toggle on the B-Roll regeneration panel.

Revise the prompt and click the “Regenerate” button to obtain a fresh B-Roll.

P.S. Account limit in Beta: You have a maximum of 50 attempts (Pro users), which reset daily at UTC 00:00.

How many times can I use the AI B-Roll Feature?

AI Broll

Stock Broll


3 generations per 30 days

3 generations per 30 days




Free Trial

3 generations per trial

No limit


50 generations per day

No limit

Note: The above limits for AI B-Roll are shared across al AI B-Roll features (i.e. AI B-Roll via Select a Sentence, AI B-Roll Generator)

Am I able to search for B-Roll from the stock library?

Yes, you can do that in our web editor: just click on the specific B-Roll -> type in a keyword to effortlessly pull the perfect B-Roll clips from the stock library.
Please note, at the moment we just support “Pexels” for Stock Images. Other providers will be supported in the future.

Does Opus Clip have integration for overlays?

Yes, you can upload an image to personalize your screen overlay. Find it in the Brand tab and start clipping!

Can I commercially use Stock B-Roll?

All Stock B-Roll needs to “follow the underlying providers guidelines” (so in the case for Pexels, it would need to follow the respective Pexels guidelines). Users are obligated to review the ToS and License as users are responsible for all the content they create within Opus using third-party platforms:

Note: In the future, once Storyblocks and GettyImages are supported, users would be bound by those respective providers ToS and licenses if they use photos or videos from these providers.

Can I add B-Roll via Selecting a Sentence?

Yes, for sure!

To add B-Roll by selecting a sentence, simply drag-and-highlight part of the transcript you would like to add B-Roll to, and then right click and select the “Add B-Roll” option to add B-Roll. The menu should open up to AI-generated B-Roll or Stock B-Roll, so feel free to select the option that’s better for your needs.

Note: The limits for AI B-Roll are shared across al AI B-Roll features (i.e. AI B-Roll via Select a Sentence, AI B-Roll Generator (i.e. Auto B-Roll), etc.)

Can I move or extend/trim B-Roll?

Yes, this feature is now supported!

You are also able to move B-Roll on the timeline by clicking-and-holding it and moving it wherever you please on the timeline. Furthermore, you can also extend or trim B-Roll as per your preferences.

Please note: For Stock B-Roll, you are not able to extend it past the original stock footage (as one would expect)

Can I add B-Roll for all my clips by setting it in the Brand template?

Unfortunately, in the BETA version, we do not currently support adding B-Roll for all of your clips at once.

To add B-Roll, you will need to click into a specific clip, toggle on the “Generate B-Roll” option, and save your changes.

How do I manually adjust the framing of Auto B-Roll?

Yes, you can take control and center elements in your B-Roll exactly how you envision. Just click on the B-Roll, drag and reposition it!

How can I add additional B-Roll to my clips?

Uploading B-Roll is planned for a future version!
You should however be able to generate AI B-Roll via selecting a sentence and generating AI B-Roll in that manner. Usage limit for AI B-Roll is shared across all AI B-Roll features and is as follows:

  • Pro: Able to use unlimited (50 “soft” limit to prevent abuse)

  • Starter/Pro: 3 per month

  • Trial: 3 per Trial period

  • Free: /

How can I adjust the placement of Auto B-Roll within my clips?

Auto B-Roll is currently in the lab version, and users can enable it in the “Design” tab of specific clips. Stay tuned for updates on adjust B-Roll insertion point will be available in v2.0!

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