
The Clip Project API by OpusClip allows users to transform long-form videos into short, viral clips using advanced AI. By using this API, you can:

  • Create a New Project: Start a new project to process a video and generate clips.
    • Customize Curation Preferences: Define how the video should be curated, including clip durations, genres, topic keywords, and specific prompts.
    • Set Import Preferences: Specify the language of the original video.
    • Define Conclusion Actions: Set up webhooks or email notifications to be triggered when the processing is complete.
    • Render Preferences: Customize the layout and aspect ratio of the resulting clips.
  • Query Project Details: Retrieve details of a specific project.
  • Query Clips: Retrieve a list of clips for a specific project.

Service Capabilities:

Steps to Get Started


Step 1: Get API Key

Get your API Key from the dashboard and include it in your request.


Step 2: Create a New Project

Use the Create a New Project endpoint.

Provide the Video URL and API_KEY, then run the following command to create a new project with minimal preferences:

You can customize the project creation request by providing additional preferences such as the Curation Preferences, Import Preferences, and Conclusion Actions.


Step 3: Query Project Details

Use the Query Project Details endpoint. Provide the Project ID returned from the project creation response.

curl --request GET \
--url 'https://api.opus.pro/api/clip-projects/{projectId}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>'

Step 4: Query Clips

Use the Query Clips endpoint. Provide the Project ID returned from the project creation response.

curl --request GET \
--url 'https://api.opus.pro/api/exportable-clips?q=findByProjectId&projectId={projectId}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>'

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